Begin the 20 Life Goal Habit

Begin the 20 Life Goal Habit

In our last blog, “The Most Powerful Money Move You Can Make,” we introduced the power of harnessing your time, energy, and money to manifest the values-based vision of your life. So how do you clarify that vision?  I didn’t know it, but I had that very same question...
Action Steps: Biden Harris Student Debt Relief Plan

Action Steps: Biden Harris Student Debt Relief Plan

The Biden-Harris Student Debt Relief Plan created a lot of buzz when it was announced on August 24, 2022. In addition to the much-publicized debt cancellation plan, there are several other components, and it’s time to take action to capitalize on various...
The Most Powerful Money Move You Can Make

The Most Powerful Money Move You Can Make

What’s the most powerful money move you can make? Get Intentional! Let’s begin with an exercise. Imagine you enter a dark room. The door closes behind you, and you’re handed a bow and arrow. Your instructions? Hit the bullseye. Ready! Aim! Fire! What are the chances...
Teach Kids Money Skills Through Travel (Part 2 of 3)

Teach Kids Money Skills Through Travel (Part 2 of 3)

Last time, we introduced the first in a 3-part blog series sharing ways to teach your kids money skills while you travel together. That post focused on your children between the ages of 5 and 8. Today, we’ll investigate how to build on these early money lessons...
Teach Kids Money Skills Through Travel (Part 3 of 3)

Teach Kids Money Skills Through Travel (Part 3 of 3)

This is the third in a 3-part series to help you teach your kids money skills as you travel. Today, we’ll focus on your adolescent, between the ages of 14 and 18, who will soon reach adulthood. From 14 to 18, as your child makes increasingly independent...